Category: Creative

Home Family Photography Session

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This little angle of a baby was only 2 weeks old when I took these pictures, just a couple weeks ago. It’s so crazy how fast your baby grows and changes that documenting wether professionally or with your iPhone (like 99% of my pictures of John Henry are on my iPhone — convenience, right?) Anyway, this session was going to be pushed back but Mama decided to arrange their schedule JUST to get these pics done pronto. They never are going to be as young as the are today.

I love photographing families in their home. This family photography session was taken in Bishop, CA — they just happened to have that AMAZING willow tree in the back yard. I told them people pay a lot of money to style their wedding with stuff like that, they replied that that tree alone was one of the reasons they bought their house.

This session was shot with my Canon 5d and my Sigma 35mm lens. I have been obsessed with using my prism with you can tell made an appearance on the 3rd image below.

Oh babies. I have always wanted to be a mom and now that I am one, it really is as good as I always hoped. Photographing other moms is becoming one of my new favorite things.


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Personal: Unexpected Inspiration


I’ve ALWAYS preferred to take pictures of people over landscapes, wildlife, etc. etc. etc. Aside from taking pictures professionally, my number one subject has been my husband, Phil — Phil LOVES having his picture taken — TOTALLY KIDDING. He tolerates it. Since John Henry was born, Phil has gotten off the picture-taking-hook.

OK, so we’re going to go down a little rabbit hole for just a sec. If John Henry wasn’t born, I probably would have never gotten this incredible jaw ache that I was experiencing a few weeks ago from clenching & grinding my teeth, turns out motherhood is quite overwhelming… and if I hadn’t gotten that horrific pain, I probably would have never sought out acupuncture to relieve it. AND if I didn’t seek out acupuncture, I for sure would have never met Jean, the amazing acupuncturist I stumbled upon.

Jean is my unexpected inspiration for taking these pictures. Hi Jean!!! Hopefully she reads this :-p

Jean dappled in photography a few years back but recently upgraded to a nicer digital camera. At my appointments we have talked a bit about photography here and there and she mentioned the photo group that she’s been attending (which I ALSO attended when we first moved to Bishop). Well, this month the theme of the group was wood & structure.

Although I unfortunately don’t think I’ll get to make it to the group, leaving Phil to single handedly care for John Henry during the witching hour just seems cruel, I thought I would pick up my camera and try to get some fun images anyway.

Thank you Jean for the inspiration! I still love taking pictures of people but I had a good time with a different subject matter. Can’t wait for next months theme.



And one John Henry picture for good measure. I love those skeptical eyes.



Boutique Photo Editing



Eureka Photography is happy to announce that I will be taking on another couple clients in 2017 for boutique photo editing!

Boutique photo editing??! What is it exactly? It’s a service for photographers to outsource their editing. If you’re a busy photographer and have sessions backing up or just find yourself wanting more time, outsourcing your editing can be a great option.

 The Appeal:

Spend more time taking pictures and less time behind a computer editing them

Quick turn around time

Consistent edits to your unique style

Bodie 601 & Bluegrass(ish) Music

Bodie601 BeFunky Collage

We didn’t know what we were in for when we set out for a stylized photo shoot in one of the areas most iconic places, Bodie State Historic Park. But we should have know better then to expect decently comfortable weather at Bodie this time of year. Because it was f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g. Freezing.